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Why Is Nutritional Therapy Important?

at Omniya Clinic in London

Healthy eating is essential for everyone, irrespective of whether you are suffering from poor health, a chronic condition or age. Suitable for everyone, the nutritional therapist assesses your medical history and your current health status, producing a personalised nutrition plan with you.

We know that overconsumption of some foods and substances lead to health issues. We also know understand that processed foods, for example, also play a role in the development of some health issues and can exacerbate them too. This is why nutritional therapy focused on creating a sustainable, nutritionally balanced diet on natural and unprocessed whole foods.

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When is the right time to see a nutritional therapist?

Some people choose to see a nutritional therapist for a specific reason. These may include:

You notice energy slumps and tiredness in your day – There are many reasons why you feel fatigued but if this becomes a feeling that never seems to lift, it could be that your diet is not offering your body the fuel and support it needs. Energy slumps happen when blood sugar drops away sharply after peaking sharply. You might know this as a ‘sugar rush’ – eating sugary or processed foods that cause a sudden leap in blood sugar. Unfortunately, the slump on the other side leaves us needing a rest or a nap.

You’re not sleeping great – You might fall asleep well enough but how well are you sleeping? Do you wake up feeling refreshed? If not, your diet could be at fault. Again, making changes is hard, especially when you can’t see which parts of your routine is causing a problem with how much or how little restful slumber you are getting.

You feel bloated or have other digestive symptoms – Flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea (or alternating between one and the other), flatulence, heartburn and indigestion are just some of the digestive issues that you may experience. From time to time, they are not so much of a problem but when you start to live your life around them, it’s time to take action. Certain foods and ingredients are known to cause digestive issues, something that a nutritional therapist can help you with. Omitting them or reducing your intake is key to balancing gut bacteria and balance. But do you know which foods to reduce and what to replace them with?

You suffer from migraines or headaches – Some people seem to suffer from headaches regularly. Migraines are a recognised medical issue and anyone who suffers from them may have identified food or drink triggers. When you know what they are, you can avoid them. There is evidence that some foods interfere with gut bacteria which can, in turn, lead to headaches. Not many people make the connection between the stomach and its health and the brain which is why nutritional therapy is a sound move if you do experience headaches or need help to manage migraines.

You have skin problems – From dry or excessively greasy skin to eczema, rosacea or acne, our skin is the organ that can give us so many clues to our current health. As well as identifying foods that could be causing problems, it is also important to identify food choices that help to manage flare-ups and conditions. Increasing fatty acids, the kind found in oily fish and some seeds can help ease symptoms of several common skin conditions.

You notice more aches and pains – Pain or an ache is your body’s way of telling you that there is something not right. Many foods have anti-inflammatory properties and so increasing their intake can help you manage or even banish aches and pains completely. If you suffer from a condition that is linked to inflammation of the joints, such as arthritis, overhauling your diet can help you manage your complaint alongside medication and exercise.

Just not feeling your self – Losing your spark happens from time to time but if finding it again seems to be evading you, nutritional therapy could be the key. As we age, our needs change. When we face change in our lives whether that is environmental factors or some other kinds of pressure, there is an impact on our well-being. Nutritional therapy can be the key to finding your inner and outer sparkle once again.

How does a nutritional therapist work?

Knowing what to expect when you visit a nutritional therapist can help you get the most from each session.

Working with a wide range of clients, they bring their deep knowledge base of nutrition and the needs of the body to each appointment. They will want to get to know you, what you currently eat, how you exercise and what you want to get from this therapy too. they’ll talk through your current health concerns, both physical and mental health.

After the initial consultation, you’ll have your personalised nutritional plan and you will start to make changes. They’ll be there to answer questions and concerns too. You can expect to enjoy several sessions too, important in reviewing how things are going and whether your plan needs tweaking a little more.

Help and guidance when you need it most

Every day, we are bombarded with all kinds of messages about nutrition and health. We can be encouraged to give up a whole food group based on a research project, the results of which are yet to be proven or debated.

Cutting out whole food groups all at once and without supervision is never recommended. Even making a big change to your diet isn’t recommended either. Giving up some long-standing routines and habits are also hard to break and because your body is reliant on it, you may suffer from withdrawal symptoms. For example, giving up caffeine often leads to heads but they will pass in a day or two.

This is why nutritional therapy is important. A qualified therapist will help you make the changes you need too, supporting and guiding you throughout the process. They will help you to understand how your body will change and respond, the key to successfully engaging with nutritional therapy and all that it offers.

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