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What Causes Thread Veins?

at Omniya Clinic in London

Thread veins may appear for a number of reasons:

Genetic – If thread veins exist in either or both of your parents, then it is quite likely that you will get them too.
Trauma – Trauma to the skin, such as a wound, can lead to thread veins developing in some people.
Lifestyle choices – As with many other conditions, being overweight, being generally inactive and sitting for long periods are among a few reasons why you may get thread veins. Crossing your legs whilst sitting can also cause thread veins.
Hormones and pregnancy – During pregnancy the increase in blood flow cause the veins to appear larger leading to thread veins, this may also be due to changes in oestrogen levels.
Sun exposure – Damage caused to the skin by the sun draws thread veins closer to the surface of the skin making them more prominent, especially the face. It is advisable to use UV sun protection during all seasons – yes, even Winter!
Change in temperature – An increase in temperature causes the skin to flush, this is important to cool us down but, in doing so, blood vessels can burst, resulting in thread veins.
Changes in pressure – Changes in pressure can cause thread veins, overtime increased blood pressure may also cause some damage to the veins.
Alcohol consumption – Alcohol can dilate the blood vessels temporarily and frequent alcohol consumption may cause damage to the veins leading to the appearance of thread veins on the face.

What to expect from your thread vein reduction treatment

How many treatments will I need?

The frequency of Sterex Advanced Electrolysis necessary to achieve the results you would like, will be dependent usually on the severity and size of the thread veins that you have. It is possible that only a single treatment is needed to produce a blemish free clear skin, or perhaps a course of treatments may be required to obtain the desired results. It is important that treatments are carefully planned as there needs to be an appropriate gap between treatments to avoid any lasting damage to the skin or hyperpigmentation. This can be discussed with the qualified practitioner.

What will the thread veins look like immediately after treatment?

Depending on the size of the thread vein, the blood vessels themselves may have localised swelling and the veins may appear darker. This is completely normal and a good treatment endpoint.

What is the downtime after laser treatment?

Again, depending on the size of the vein and where the blood vessel is located; face or body, the downtime will differ. Thread veins on the face, although any localised swelling that occurs can last up to 48hours. Any darkening of the vein, which it may appear worse before it gets better can last up 2 weeks. Body thread veins can have a ‘cat scratch’ like appearance and can last up to 2 weeks which is completely normal.

When will I see results from the laser thread vein treatment?

In some cases, you can see the thread vein noticeably disappear straight after treatment. However, normally you will see an improvement after 2-4 weeks. This will be either some have been removed completely or have reduced in size which is a good result after one treatment.

Can I not be suitable for laser treatment?

There are factors that may indicate that you are unsuitable for treatment. These may include but not limited to, certain medications whether topical or oral and other medical conditions. At the consultation, your laser specialist will go through your medical history with you and advise you accordingly.

Will my thread veins return?

Although the treated thread veins have disappeared, it does not mean they will not come back and/or new ones will appear in other areas due to lifestyle factors and other causes of blood vessels developing.

Does laser thread vein treatment hurt?

You will feel slight discomfort, similar to an elastic band ping. However, it is a very quick treatment and due to the cold air cooling the area, almost numbing the skin when treating the vein, this sensation is very minimal and is normally judged by individual pain threshold.

How many treatments will I need and how often?

Typically, the face or body areas usually require 3 treatments. Thread veins on the face, treatment is carried out every 4-6 weeks and thread veins on the body is carried out every 6-8 weeks due to the healing of the blood vessels.

At each treatment, your laser specialist will reassess the areas and monitor the progress.

Pre-care and post-care advice for laser thread vein treatment

Before you attend your laser appointment, is to ensure you do not have an active tan within 4 weeks prior and/or any self-tan on the areas to be treated. This is due to how the laser works and reduces the risk of any adverse reactions such as a laser burn. It is also important to not apply any active skincare such as retinol 5-7 days prior to treatment due to enhancing skin sensitivity.

For 48hours after treatment, we advise no further heat on the area such as a hot shower or bath and no intense exercise and any active skincare. However, use of skincare is advised on an individual basis at the consultation. Sun exposure we recommend avoiding throughout the course of treatments to minimise any hyperpigmentation occurring on the areas treated whilst healing. Winter season is the best time to tackle these blemishes.

How do I prepare for electrolysis?

You may be asked to remove any metal jewellery that you are wearing, in addition to items of clothing that have metal accessories – such as zips. Do not worry, you are in safe hands and this will be explained to you by our experienced clinicians.

Aftercare following electrolysis

It is possible that a small crust will appear on the skin, this will just look like some dry skin and will come away naturally. It is possible that the skin will look a little red after electrolysis and so it is important that the skin is not scrubbed, also the sun, gym activities in addition to swimming and saunas should be avoided for up to 3 days. The qualified practitioners at Omniya will be able to discuss appropriate after care and serums with you to maximise the results of the Sterex Advanced Electrolysis.

Who can have electrolysis?

If you are healthy, your skin is healthy and you are not pregnant, there is no reason for your not to have electrolysis. If you suffer with any heart conditions or vascular disorders, this treatment may not be suitable for you. Your practitioner will do a consultation with you to discuss the treatment beforehand and address any concerns that you may have with regard to the suitability of Sterex Advanced Electrolysis. We may need to ask you to seek reassurances from your GP that treatment is suitable for you and if for any reason this treatment is not appropriate, we may have alternative options that we can recommend.

Is electrolysis safe?

Electrolysis has been used for over 100 years and is extremely safe, it is used for both surgical and non-surgical reasons. Sterex treatments have a strong safety record and with the use of disposable sterile electrolysis probes, you can be sure you are in safe hands. Our practitioners are well qualified in using the equipment and will be able to reassure you and put you at ease during the pre-treatment consultation

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