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Everything You Need to Know About Botox

4 September 2020 by Omniya Clinic

You might be thinking, 'will Botox stop someone from being able to make expressions then!?'

You may see high profile celebrities on TV struggle to smile or laugh due to excessive Botox, but rest assured, when Botox is administered correctly it will not cause your face to freeze or inhibit your ability to form expressions.

That’s why it’s so important to have your Botox procedure administered by a professional surgeon.

If Botox is administered in the wrong place – even slightly – or too much is used, it could change your expression.

But fear not, even if you’ve been the victim of a bad Botox procedure and need to get it put right, or you just want to make sure that you get the procedure done by a surgeon you can trust, you can get in touch with us here at Omniya.

How long does Botox take to kick in after the procedure?

After administering Botox, it usually takes a day or two for it to begin to work its magic.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily see results right away. But don’t panic! Typically, it takes anywhere from a few days to a week for noticeable results to begin to show. After almost two weeks, you should then be seeing the full effects of the treatment.

Are there any side effects and does it hurt?

In terms of side effects, you may experience a little bit of redness or a slight inflammation around the area where the treatment is administered, but this will alleviate before long.

Botox is also one of the less painful cosmetic procedures you can have, which is one of the reasons why it’s so popular.

If we had to liken it to something, it’s a bit like a pinch or a small pinprick, and it only lasts for a couple of seconds. So, all things considered, it’s not too painful at all.

What should you expect from your Botox treatment procedure?

Before your procedure

As we discussed, a Botox procedure isn’t too painful. However, you may wish for the area to be numbed beforehand. You may be advised on topical anaesthesia or ice to reduce the discomfort.

During your procedure

Your doctor will start by discussing the details and the steps they will take, prior to commencing. Following this, the areas will be marked up and Botox injections will be administered using fine needles.

After your procedure

It’s important to resist the urge to rub or massage the area for 24 hours. You can ordinarily return to your normal activities right afterwards, but you ought to ask your doctor at your appointment.

Why choose Omniya Clinic for your Botox procedure in London?

Choice of product and surgeons

At Omniya, we only work with leading doctors, products, and machines to ensure we can provide our patients with the best and longest lasting outcomes. In this regard, we only use Botox® and Bocouture.

It is imperative to carefully select your treating clinician. This prescription only medicine must only be used and directed under medical practitioner’s care. Furthermore, your injector must be suitably trained in the art of injecting. The injection sites must be carefully and precisely placed.

Your clinician can advise you on the procedure, and during your consultation, you must take your time before deciding to proceed with a treatment should you wish.

In addition to performing thousands of Botox treatments, our experts train and develop other clinicians around the world, sharing their knowledge on how to perform safe and effective treatments.

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