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Facial Tips and Advice

27 February 2020 by Omniya Clinic

Most people love facials, and why not? Here’s a few helpful titbits and some guidance on facial and skin health.

Whatever your schedule, you ought to make time for a regular facial. Not only for the benefit to your skin, but also the indirect benefit to your mind and your body. We all live such busy lives – take time for yourself. Unwind, and do yourself some good. You deserve it, and it’s time you pay a bit more attention to your own skin, even if it’s to help it unwind from a tough winter season, or to prepare it for the summer months.

Facial Tip 1: Maximise Your Skincare!

Those clogged pores can block all of the useful ingredients which need to penetrate the skin. No matter how much you spend on skincare, if you’re not declogging and unblocking your pores, you’re wasting a significant amount of the benefit you should be receiving. Even some of the finest skincare (just have a look on the shelves at Omniya Clinic) will not be able to perform at its optimum if your skin is dry and congested.

That’s where a good facial comes into play – it will help to smooth your skin and refine the pores, enabling the cleansers, moisturisers and serums to work their magic.

Facial Tip 2: Extract That

Now, many of you may think you’re part-time aestheticians, but most people don’t know how to properly extract those pimples and blackheads. If not done correctly, and it does need to be done, you could end up with facial scarring, acne flare ups and broken capillaries.

Saying that regular extractions will help your skin breathe, and look healthier and will help you to reduce breakouts.

Facial Tip 3: Your Skin & Nature

If you imagine your skin is like nature, with its seasons. As the seasons change, they bring with them different temperatures, humidity and differing amounts on daylight. All of this impacts your skin health and needs. For example, hydrating facials are perfect for the winter months, and facials in the summer can be focused on protecting from sun and sun damage. Spring facials can nourish the skin and autumn facials prepare your skin for the winter months.

Facial Tip 4: Mask It

Yes, you can use masks at home, and that’s fine. But to get the most benefit from a mask, come at let the Omniya Clinics leading aestheticians steam your skin to open the pores, give you an extraction and prepare you for the mask. Masks can help to calm, decongest and hydrate the skin.

Facial Tip 5: Lymphatic Massage that Face

As with all the facials at Omniya Clinic, there are face, décolletage and scalp massages. Not only are they incredibly relaxing, but the specialist practitioners (click that) are experts in lymphatic drainage, removing toxins and reducing fluid retention. The lymphatic drainage leaves your skin with an amazing glow!

Facial Tip 6: DEEP Clean

A thorough deep cleansing facial will help you get your skin back to where it ought to be, but isn’t (probably because we often too lazy to wash it properly, or forgot to remove our makeup). This deep cleanse will refine the pores, leaving the skin rejuvenated and feeling fresh. Just as you’d go to your dentist for a deep clean, the same applies to your skin!

Facial Tip 7: Know Your Skin!

Having an expert (such as those beauties at Omniya Clinic) assess your skin, they can diagnose and refer your common skin issues. A regular visit, even just to say hi and sneak some free advice, will help you to know what is going on with your skin.

Facial Advice 8: Exfoliate…Properly.

You can’t avoid the environmental free radical damage. You are inevitably going to be hit by toxins, dirt and UV rays, making your skin look dull and congested. A professional exfoliation (such as microdermabrasion – surprise surprise, that’s offered at Omniya Clinic), will remove the dead skin cells, promoting healthy skin turnover. This exfoliating can also help reduce facial and acne scarring over time.

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